The Elementary Studio
The Elementary Studio
The Elementary Studio is a space for the community of mixed age learners (the Eagles) who collaborate, respect, and support each other. It is flexible to maximize the Eagles' creativity and independence. They will work together to create rules to structure and govern their studio while also learning the academics and extra-curricular activities
by learning to do, learning to be, and learning to learn.
The Curriculum
The Curriculum
Math (Core Skill)
Mastering Math Skills
Cutting-edge adaptive learner driven game-based interactive technology delivering a self-directed, self-paced, and self-selected math experience.
Eagles choose which programs work best for them to achieve mastery and advance to the next level. Their Math skills are then put to practice and applied in Quests which are hands-on projects that have math components.
Eagles get an experience of the real life math applications and appreciate math.
Math (Core Skill)
Mastering Math Skills
Cutting-edge adaptive learner driven game-based interactive technology delivering a self-directed, self-paced, and self-selected math experience.
Eagles choose which programs work best for them to achieve mastery and advance to the next level. Their Math skills are then put to practice and applied in Quests which are hands-on projects that have math components.
Eagles get an experience of the real life math applications and appreciate math.
Reading (Core Skill)
Love of Reading
The goal for our Eagles is to love reading. They can read anything they enjoy! Badges and points are earned for reading physical books and through online tools. With the love of reading, they will read more and more challenging books over time. They can read anything from our library, borrow from the library or bring their own books. We have the DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) program, where Eagles find a cozy nook and enjoy a good book.
Reading (Core Skill)
Love of Reading
The goal for our Eagles is to love reading. They can read anything they enjoy! Badges and points are earned for reading physical books and through online tools. With the love of reading, they will read more and more challenging books over time. They can read anything from our library, borrow from the library or bring their own books. We have the DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) program, where Eagles find a cozy nook and enjoy a good book.
Writing (Core Skill)
Powerful Communicators
Eagles will practice writing with a purpose whether it is a wish list, a letter, pitches, a web copy, or film scripts. Through the guided Writing Workshops and adaptive game-based program, the Eagles will learn writing techniques and creative writing. They will further practice their writing skills in Quests (hands-on projects) which always have a written component.
Each Eagle will also have their own journal to reflect and write their goals.
Writing (Core Skill)
Powerful Communicators
Eagles will practice writing with a purpose whether it is a wish list, a letter, pitches, a web copy, or film scripts. Through the guided Writing Workshops and adaptive game-based program, the Eagles will learn writing techniques and creative writing. They will further practice their writing skills in Quests (hands-on projects) which always have a written component.
Each Eagle will also have their own journal to reflect and write their goals.
21st Century Skills
Quests are 4-6 weeks hands-on real world projects in Science, Technology, Entrepreneurship, and the Arts. They are challenging, carefully created and designed projects in multidisciplinary topics such as Robotics, Coding, Makers, Electricity, Marine Biology, Stage Production, and Entrepreneurship.
21st Century Skills
Quests are 4-6 weeks hands-on real world projects in Science, Technology, Entrepreneurship, and the Arts. They are challenging, carefully created and designed projects in multidisciplinary topics such as Robotics, Coding, Makers, Electricity, Marine Biology, Stage Production, and Entrepreneurship.
Socratic Discussions
Critical Thinking
The Socratic method is used to stimulate critical thinking through debate and inquiry in Socratic Discussions. A Socratic guide sets up scenarios and asks critical questions. Socratic discussions are powerful ways for students to help each other explore ideas, values, and opinions on important political, social, philosophical, and artistic issues. The Socratic method is also woven throughout the day.
Socratic Discussions
Critical Thinking
The Socratic method is used to stimulate critical thinking through debate and inquiry in Socratic Discussions. A Socratic guide sets up scenarios and asks critical questions. Socratic discussions are powerful ways for students to help each other explore ideas, values, and opinions on important political, social, philosophical, and artistic issues. The Socratic method is also woven throughout the day.
The Arts
Eagles will have the avenue to express themselves through Visual Arts and the Performing Arts. Children's natural creativity and imagination will be nurtured in our studio through the Quests, Studio Guides, and visiting artists for music, dance, film, digital arts, painting, drawing, illustration, etc. The arts will inspire them to find their genius and make their own creations and productions.
The Arts
Eagles will have the avenue to express themselves through Visual Arts and the Performing Arts. Children's natural creativity and imagination will be nurtured in our studio through the Quests, Studio Guides, and visiting artists for music, dance, film, digital arts, painting, drawing, illustration, etc. The arts will inspire them to find their genius and make their own creations and productions.
Physical Activity
Exciting Movements
Physical activity is part of our Eagles' daily activities. From sports ball to ice skating, gymnastics, martial arts, various dances, swimming, rock climbing, etc. Land, water, and air! We will use many offsite locations for these activities in and around the area.
Physical Activity
Exciting Movements
Physical activity is part of our Eagles' daily activities. From sports ball to ice skating, gymnastics, martial arts, various dances, swimming, rock climbing, etc. Land, water, and air! We will use many offsite locations for these activities in and around the area.
Growth Mindset
Guided age-appropriate mindfulness practice such as breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, appreciation, journaling, and other mindfulness tools for children to cultivate growth and abundant mindset to build confidence and focus.
Growth Mindset
Guided age-appropriate mindfulness practice such as breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, appreciation, journaling, and other mindfulness tools for children to cultivate growth and abundant mindset to build confidence and focus.
Field Trips
Meaningful Experiences
Learning in the field through real life experiences, and expert mentors and highly qualified professionals in their field. The sky is the limit. If it exists and there is an interest, we will follow the Eagles' lead.
Field Trips
Meaningful Experiences
Learning in the field through real life experiences, and expert mentors and highly qualified professionals in their field. The sky is the limit. If it exists and there is an interest, we will follow the Eagles' lead.
Typical Daily Schedule
Typical Daily Schedule
The Eagles are free to take in a breather, grab a snack, or take a break whenever they want.
The Eagles are free to take in a breather, grab a snack, or take a break whenever they want.
8:00-8:30 AM
8:00-8:30 AM
Eagles Arrival and Free Time
Eagles Arrival and Free Time
Opening Circle: Rise and Shine
Opening Circle: Rise and Shine
Morning stretch or physical activity to awaken the body, mindfulness, and goal setting
Morning LAUNCH
Morning LAUNCH
Goal Setting and CORE SKILLS (Math/Reading/Writing/Language Learning)
Goal Setting and CORE SKILLS (Math/Reading/Writing/Language Learning)
Lunch and Free Time
Lunch and Free Time
Afternoon LAUNCH
Afternoon LAUNCH
Afternoon Activity (Sports/Music/Performing Arts/Visual Arts/QUESTS)
Afternoon Activity (Sports/Music/Performing Arts/Visual Arts/QUESTS)
Studio Maintenance
Studio Maintenance
Closing Circle
Closing Circle
Report on goals, appreciation, or reflection
- Young heroes celebrate the mastery of tools, skills and character by earning badges, assembling portfolios and taking part in public exhibitions.
- Parents use badges to track academic progress in Core Skills like reading, writing, math and spelling and character development in "Learn to Be" Badges.
- Electronic and hard copy Portfolios capture rough drafts, photos, video and other creative work.
- Public exhibitions at the end of most Quests allow young heroes to present work to experts, customers or the public for a real world test.
Personalized Tools
Personalized Tools
“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”
— Aristotle
“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”
— Aristotle
Celebrating Entrepreneurship
Celebrating Entrepreneurship
We are excited to announce that Acton Academy Toronto will be launching a children's business fair where the Eagles will experience building their very own business from the start up. Watch out for the news!
“I’ve learned that most of America’s inventions and advances haven’t come from studying traditional academic theory but from the curiosity and tinkering of mavericks — Galileo, Newton, Einstein, Curie, Edison, and thousands of others.”
— Jeff Sandefer, Acton Academy co-founder
“I’ve learned that most of America’s inventions and advances haven’t come from studying traditional academic theory but from the curiosity and tinkering of mavericks — Galileo, Newton, Einstein, Curie, Edison, and thousands of others.”
— Jeff Sandefer, Acton Academy co-founder
Our Model
Our Model
Acton Academy in Austin
Acton Academy in Austin
A Day in the Life
A Day in the Life